Frequently Asked Questions

Render Cleaning in Cornwall

Find out more about the ins-and-outs of exterior cleaning

Each customer is unique, whether they happen to be a homeowner, a business owner or a property manager, and we appreciate they might be considering exterior cleaning in Cornwall for a number of reasons.

This page therefore aims to answer the questions we are frequently asked by our clients, allowing you to make an informed decision about our services.




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Why should you get the exterior of your property cleaned?

The purpose behind an exterior clean isn’t just to enhance your property’s curb appeal (Although it certainly does that!). The buildup of dirt, grime, pollutants and biological matter like algae and moss can interfere with your property’s water management, causing damage to the walls, ceilings and even foundations. At best, this can be ruinously expensive, and at worst it can make a house unsafe for human habitation.

Our exterior cleaning in Cornwall is an inexpensive, fast and effective way of preventing these issues, nipping any water drainage issues in the bud before they can develop into something more serious.

How often should I get my exterior cleaned?

This depends on a range of factors such as location, environmental conditions and the type of surface your property is constructed from. Coastal properties, for example, will require more regular cleaning to avoid a buildup of saltwater residue, just as properties with large trees nearby would benefit from regular gutter cleaning.

For your peace of mind and security, we will assess your property’s specific needs during the initial inspection and provide you with some personalised recommendations.

Can pressure washing damage my property?

Only if it’s done incorrectly!

While pressure washing is a fast, effective and altogether satisfying way of cleaning a property’s exterior, it’s not the only option in our toolkit. Our quotation process includes a thorough assessment of your property and the materials used in its construction, allowing us to tailor our approach and choose the best method, equipment and chemicals for the job.

What services do Norseman Exterior Cleaning offer?

We offer a full range of exterior cleaning services including roofs, driveways, guttering and render cleaning in Cornwall. Find out more here.

What is the difference between pressure washing and soft washing?

Pressure washing is the more familiar cleaning process, and it involves using high-pressure water streams between the 1,000 to 3,000 PSI range to cut through tough stains. It’s therefore most appropriate for hardier surfaces that can withstand such pressures, such as concrete and stone.

Soft washing, on the other hand, applies specialised cleaning agents at a far lower pressure level, typically that of a regular tap. Instead of trying to physically ‘scrub away’ stains or debris with sheer pressure, soft washing aims to let the cleaning agents or detergents do the work. It’s therefore more suitable for more delicate surfaces such as vinyl siding, brick, and tiles.

How should I prepare for my exterior cleaning?

I recommend that you close and secure all windows and doors to prevent water from entering your interior, remove any obstacles or outdoor furniture that could obstruct the cleaning process and take a few minutes to think of any particularly troublesome areas or stains you want us to target.

Can I clean my exterior myself?

In theory, you can hire a pressure washer and get straight to work. In practice, however:

  • Exterior cleaning is surprisingly strenuous work involving lots of heavy lifting, and can take hours if you aren’t completely confident in what you’re doing
  • You run the risk of damaging your property if you pressure wash the wrong surface
  • You will need to separately hire a soft washer and the appropriate chemicals to clean some materials or surfaces
  • Cleaning roofs can be dangerous if you don’t have scaffolding or a sufficient pole attachment.

Just like you’re probably better off calling a plumber or gas engineer for some household issues, exterior cleaning in Cornwall is one of those tasks that’s best left to the professionals.